1. Q: What should I do if I receive a damaged or defective item after purchase?
We apologize if your item is damaged, broken, or defective. If the item you purchased from jydtra.com is not in good condition, please contact us immediately and we will help you resolve the issue promptly and protect your rights. For more information, please visit our Return Policy page.

2. Q: What should I do if the item I received after placing an order is different from what I purchased?
If the product we deliver is not the same as the one you purchased, please contact us as soon as possible and we will replace the correct product for you promptly.

3. Q: Can I change my order or shipping address after I submit it?
If you need to change the order or delivery address after placing an order, if the product has not been shipped, you can contact us to modify the order information. If the product has been shipped, the order information cannot be modified. Therefore, please check your order information carefully when placing an order.

4. Q: How to cancel an order that has already been placed?
You can contact us to cancel your order before it is shipped. If the order has already been shipped, it cannot be cancelled.

5. Q: How do I unsubscribe from JYDTRA's messages?
To unsubscribe from our newsletter, you can click on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any newsletter email you receive. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service team who will assist you in unsubscribing.

6. Q: How do I reset my password?
Navigate to Account > Forgot Your Password > Enter Email > Submit > Received Emails from Us > Click "Reset Your Password" in the Email > Enter Your New Password > Confirm Password.

You can also contact us to reset your password